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30 Jahre "64-Chess Review" Magazin

am 5. Juli 1998

Schach "Oscar" und die "Top Ten" 1997

Am 5. Juli 1998 feiert die russische Zeitschrift "64-Chess Review" ihr 30-jähriges Bestehen. Im Zusammenhang damit schrieb Alexander Roshal den "Schach Oskar 1997" aus, der inzwischen von 300 Schach-Journalisten ermittelt und an Viswanathan Anand (Foto) vergeben wurde.

Schach "Oscar" und die "Top Ten" 1997
[ ein Bericht von Alexander Roshal ]

Results of international competition of the "64-Chess Review" magazine.

The tradition of award "Oscar" best grandmaster of the world was renewed three years ego under the initiative Alexander Roshal, editor-in-chief of the "64-Chess Review" magazine. The representatives a mass media, specialized editions, independent chess journalists and organizers vote to ten best in a past year. Then general points are counted up. Twice in succession "Oscar" went to Garry Kasparov, as the saying is, for obvious advantage. It is only international competition in chess, spent by broad democratic interrogation. The popularity of competition of the "64" magazine grows, and on this time a peculiar record is established: we received 300 versions best "tens", which have arrived from the about 55 countries (117 lists is sent by the representatives of Russia). Thus in voting 47 carriers of a grandmaster's rank, regularly outstighting in mass media have taken part. For the first place in a sent list was charged 13 numbers, 2-th — 11, 3-rd — 9, 4-th — 7, 5-th — 6, 10-th — 1 number.

Here final confirmation results:

11. Nigel SHORT (England) — 242, 12. Judit POLGAR (Hungary) — 222, 13. Alexander KHALIFMAN (Russia) — 193, 14. Alexander BELIAVSKY (Slovenia) — 144, 15. Valery SALOV (Russia) — 124. And further follow: 16. Mikhail KRASENKOV (Poland) — 103; 17. Petr LEKO (Hungary) — 76; 18. Ruslan PONOMARIEV (Ukraine) — 54; 19. DEEP BLUE (USA) — 53; 20. Evgeny BAREEV (Russia) — 52 etc.

It is necessary to note, that G.Kasparov has received more first places, than V.Anand (136 aganst the spin 133), but Indian grandmaster referred to as much more often in "prize" trio. Thus owner "Oscar" (for 1997) for the first time has become Viswanathan ANAND .

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